Bingo Review Game

This week, I had 2 students in my room that needed to review for a Living Environment Evolution test.  I got a list of questions (with answers) from their teacher, and was told they were using them in a review game for the class.  Well, since I just had the 2 of them, I modified my review.  I told them to each make bingo boards with the answers of the questions.  There were 24 questions, and we made 5 by 5 squares with a free space in the middle.  They spent time writing in the answers anywhere on their board.  When they were done, I read off the question and they had to mark the answer on their board.  Now, since this was review, I had them tell me what they thought the answer was, so that they weren’t studying the wrong one.  I corrected them immediately (if needed) and continued with the next question.  They were allowed to switch their marker to the correct answer, but if I do this again next time, I may penalize them in some way so that they cannot just mark the right answer after getting it wrong.  Possibly, by marking incorrect answers with another color chip so that the space is dead and they need to make bingo in another way.  This will encourage students to make more educated guesses on their bingo answers.  I think this could work very well in any content area, and with any size group of people.